eQSL digital photo frame

I had an idea that people may want to download the entire inbox and put them into a folder so the PC they love can display the eQSL cards for them as a screen saver.


This started the eQSL Downloader software. Two versions exist and I recommend the Java version.

I have taken it a step version. I am going to outline some manual steps to setup a PI as a digital photo frame for eQSL cards.

What do you need?

PI (I am using a PI Zero W)

Make sure the pi has java installed. If not resolve that with your handy dandy google engine. OpenJava seems to work just fine.

This may work: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre

Configure pi to auto logon to the console use the pi login account

sudo raspi-config

option 3

Then option B1

Then Option B2



use wget to download from the following locations



eqsl-config.sh Contents will be:

read -p “Call Sign:” CALLSIGN
read -p “Password:” PASSWORD
echo ‘java -jar ./eQSL.jar AUTO’ $CALLSIGN $PASSWORD /home/pi/Pictures/eql>./eqsl.sh

run the eqsl-config.sh script

sh ./eqsl-config.sh

It will create the eqsl.sh script in the /home/pi folder


java -jar ./eQSL.jar AUTO callsign password /home/pi/Pictures/eqsl

put the eQSL.jar prorgam in the /home/pi folder

create a folder /home/pi/Pictures/eqsl


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install fbi

edit your .profile for the pi user and add the following (/home/pi/.profile):


bash /home/pi/eqsl.sh &
fbi -a -u -noversbose -t 10 /home/pi/Pictures/eqsl/*
read -t10 -p " C) CONFIG EQSL DOWNLOADER S) SHELL W) PI-CONFIG (press enter after options or wait for rebot)" ANSWER
 case $ANSWER in
          C|c) sh ./eqsl-config.sh
               reboot ;;
          S|s) sh
               reboot ;;
               sudo raspi-config
               reboot ;;
      *) echo 'reboot'  

(remove echo after the *) once you test the script

Right now each time your system boots it will launch the application and download your newest cards.

We will add a CRON job using the following

sudo contab -e

This now will have your system download at 1 am each morning. you can adjust the time but that is beyond the scope of this project. Google crontab for more info