November 3rd is the 68th anniversary of Godzilla coming to the big screen in the original Japanese film classic. Some QRPer’s from Central Indiana are going to be operating Special Event Station W9G from November 3rd to November 13th, along with other operators in the 7th region. Modes to be used will be CW, SSB, and a few digital modes like PSK, RTTY and FT8. This special event is being…
Author: admin
N9Q Special event station
Titanic – Jack Phillips memorial N9Q Operating June 2nd through June 13th 2022 Jack Philips was the Marconi telegraphist on board Titanic along with his assistant Harold Bride. You may find many different accounts of the specifics of what happened to Jack Phillips but in any case he gave his life in service of the wireless telegram. calling CQD SOS and providing location information to help save lives.…
QRZ Address Printer for DYMO printers
You can copy the list of call signs into the clipboard and click on Paste to get them into the list or type them one at a time. When done if any are bad call signs they will show up in error list. You can select any image but I would not go too large. I used 50/44 Pixels for my labels. It prints to the default printer right now…
eQSL digital photo frame
I had an idea that people may want to download the entire inbox and put them into a folder so the PC they love can display the eQSL cards for them as a screen saver. This started the eQSL Downloader software. Two versions exist and I recommend the Java version. I have taken it a step version. I am going to outline some manual steps to setup a PI…
Don’t make the QRZ mistake.
Many amateurs come across QRZ when they start or when they get into working HF to help with logging. QRZ has a great logging system that many people consider to be their LOG of contacts. QRZ’s logging system is really meant to help make confirmations similar to LOTW or the original online QSL site Not that long ago QRZ redid the logging system and it became a very…
Antenna workshop report
John B KD9ECH Reports about the Antenna workshop help at the Aviation Institute of Maintenance..
HF Digital sound card modes presentation by Robert Burns W9BU
John KD9ECH Reports on the digital sound card modes presentation by Bob Burns: Here are the slides from the presentation by Bob Burns (W9BU) Sound card data modes and NBEMS 2017
Hams Volunteer to train
John KD9ECH reports on Volunteering as a ham…
Brownburg hamfest 2017
The Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society hosts the Brownsburg Ham fest located in Brownburg Indiana. John B KC9ECH wrote us a story about “One mans junk is another mans treasure”
February 9th 2017 Test session
During our general class we help a practice test like no other. It was an actual VE session for the students to get a feel for the real test coming in 4 week. We had 3 amateurs upgrade to General (Jeff KD9FTA, Jay K9NDY and Todd KC9NEG) during this practice test and we also had a guest visitor Grzegorz from Poland stop in to visit. Grzegorz took his US Tech…