Congratulation to our newest hams that passed the Tech test on Saturday during field day:
KD9GNL Chris W
KD9GNN Steven M
KD9GNM Steven S
KD9GNO Elizabeth M
KD9GNP Jason A
KD9GNQ is Clayton B
We also had an upgrade to General:
Chris KD9GHW
Welcome to the hobby folks and we hope to hear you on the air!
Special Thanks to the Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society for hosting the field day event and allowing us to operate our VE Test session with them.
We had 7 people test and 7 pass.
We had 7 VE’s help with testing.
Brian KB9BVN
Wayne AC9HP
Steve W9THR
Tim NW9F
Ivin W9ILF
It takes everyone involved to be successful!