Congratulation to our newest hams that passed the Tech test on Saturday during field day: KD9GNL Chris W KD9GNN Steven M KD9GNM Steven S KD9GNO Elizabeth M KD9GNP Jason A KD9GNQ is Clayton B We also had an upgrade to General: Chris KD9GHW Welcome to the hobby folks and we hope to hear you on the air! Special Thanks to the Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society for hosting the field…
WIRES-X Node for Fusion (C4FM) radios
Wires-x operates in a similar fashion to EchoLink or IRPL. You can connect to different rooms and chat around the world. One main difference is you must use a HRI-200 interface and with wires-x and a fusion radio you can access voice memos, text messages and photos. It does require a computer and internet for connecting. The antenna I chose is a arrow style JPole and only about 15 feet…
Operating K9W for Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society
Although this was not a IEN sponsored event I had a ton of fun working the event with my friends at Hendricks County Amateur Radio Soceity. Our call sign was K9W. I arrived early in the morning and I was able to get my rope stuck in the tree. Tom WA9YI was able to help get the rope out of the tree using military grade portable antenna mast. We used…
IEN Giveaway
IEN had a give-away on the facebook page. The results are here: Jim Curly — winner of the jpole Winners of the tester: Charles Phillips Donny Davis William Bill Ward Nicholas Shotwell Chuck Davis These items can be picked up at the Indiana elmer network table at the Indianapolis hamfest in July. If you can’t make the hamfest…… contact w9thr or ac9hp…. and the items can be shipped…… But the…
Chuck KD9DHT Gets his antenna raised
Sunday Cal AB9D and Pat N0XFU reached out to Chuck and they were able to get his long leg of his Carolina Windom OCF dipole up about 60ft into his neighbors tree. Chuck greeted his neighbor and ask for permission and his neighbor did not mind as long as no RFI would happen with his cable TV. Chuck has reported a lower noise floor for 20 meter and said the…
using a jpole on my second story with a ft-7900 and a kpc3+ I was able to activate a UI View32 igate for aprs. the radio is locked on 144.390. the radio had APO turned on and that proved to be a challenge. Keep an eye out and see if I can hear you! The radio is connected to the tnc and the tnc is running at…
Digital Station Setup
Denis KD9CYY asked for some help with digital on his FT-450. Using JT65HF we were able to get the radio to work with a signal link on 40 meters. The radio uses a 9-pin serial cable for CAT control so after we get a good cable we will go back and get HRD working with the radio for full control and other digital modes. The signallink was not activating the…
Antenna Mounting for KD9ECH (Winter 2016)
Steve W9THR and John KD9ECH erected a 2m/70cm JPOLE. The JPOLE was built by Terry Cashion a local ham to enjoys building stainless steel style JPOLE antennas that resemble the Arrow JPOLE. The antenna was mounted on a mast that was about 8 feet long, and the antenna is about 5 foot tall. It was mounted at the peak of the house and the SWR read 1.3 on most…
2016 Brownsburg Hamfest was a huge success
Many thanks to the Hendricks County Amateur Radio Society and the many hams who work really hard at putting these hamfests together. We setup a table to meet and greet the amateur to network and find more elmers, find more people to help and of course find new goodies for the ham shack. We handed out many cards for the elmer network and we were even invited to have a…
We are preparing for the Brownburg hamfest. We hope to see everyone at the hamfest! Saturday, February 13, 2016 HAM RADIO, COMPUTER, ELECTRONICS FLEA MARKET Sponsored by Hendricks County Amateur Radios Society Advance Setup: Friday, February 12, 3:00 PM until 7:30 PM Open to the public: 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM AMERICAN LEGION POST 331, 636 E Main St, BROWNSBURG, IN 46112